Healing the city
55 % of us now call urban areas home, a figure that’s projected to grow to 68 % by 2050. This unprecedented urban growth means cities across the world are facing major challenges, ranging from overcrowding and informal settlements, to a shortage of affordable housing, disconnected citizens, lack of community and rising loneliness.
un.se is a glocal leader in urban regeneration. We aim to heal the problems cities face, whether that’s by working with slum dwellers in India to revitalise their homes or in ground breaking housing projects that create real communities in cities such as Stockholm.
Founded in 2008, our mission is to deliver timeless solutions that focus on local needs. We don’t believe in generic solutions. Our work resolves local issues through a deep analysis that delivers an unparalleled understanding of local context. We invest in working from the ground up: building communities in incremental, real and effective ways with ethical developments that respect both people and the natural world.
Helicopter photo by Tobias Hägg